
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Johnny Appleseed

Jonathan Chapman, more importantly know as Johnny Appleseed was born on this day in 1774. As a native to Massachusetts you can guess why he had a life filled with apples. Basically Johnny Appleseed was an apple man. He brought apple seeds from New England over to the Midwest, planted and grew apple trees to establish his orchards. He did his best to fence and protect his apple trees from wildlife. Although his orchards produced small tart apples, they used the apples mainly for hard cider. This sparked his career and helped grow the apple industry. So today, lets celebrate not just Johnny Appleseed’s birthday but what he loved: APPLES! Here at Dysart’s we like to celebrate with apple pie, apple crisp, daisy apple bread pudding, or just a simple apple.

Celebrate at home with Apple Crisp!

8-10 Cups peeled, sliced apples
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 cup flour
1 ½ cup rolled oats
1 ½ cup brown sugar
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Nutmeg
1 tbsp. cinnamon
¾ cup butter
½ cup sugar
1 tbsp. flour
2 tsp cinnamon

Peel, core and slice apples into a 9x13 inch buttered pan until ¾ full. Sprinkle the apples with lemon juice. Pour ½ cup of water over them.

Mix binder ingredients together in a large bowl. Pour the binder over the top of the apples. Mix together a little.

Place all the ingredients for the topping, except butter, into a bowl. Mix very well. Melt the butter and pour into the dry ingredients. This will take time to mix in. Continue to work together (works best if you use your fingertips) until it looks like crumbs. Spread evenly over the apples in a secondary layer. Once you have it even, press down.

Place the pan onto a cookie sheet (prevents a mess). Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes. Check the apples with a fork to see if they are tender.

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