
Friday, February 14, 2014

Chocolate Cream Pie

What kinds of chocolates are you wishing for? Serve your Valentine a slice of our chocolate cream pie or make one at home.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Chocolate Cream Pie

1 cup sugar

6 T cornstarch
6 T cocoa
2 cups milk
1 cup heavy cream

4 egg yolks
1/4 cup chocolate chips

1 T vanilla

1 pre-baked 8-inch pie crust

Heat the milk, sugar, cornstarch, cocoa, and half the heavy cream on high in a double boiler. Heat until it looks like there's foam on top. Separate the egg yolks. Place in medium bowl. Once milk mixture starts to thicken you need to temper the eggs. Beat the eggs and remaining cream in separate bowl, and take about 1 cup of hot liquid from pan and mix it into the eggs. If you skip this step, the eggs will heat up too fast, and you will have scrambled eggs in your pie. 

Take your blended yolks mixture, and whisk it into the remaining hot mixture in the saucepan. Continue to cook until the mixture thickens. It should take about 5 min. and then remove from heat. 

Beat well, add vanilla and chocolate chips. Continue to stir occasionally until the mixture is cooled and pour into a cooled but pre-baked pie shell. Let set in refrigerator until cooled. Top with whipped cream if desired.



  1. The recipe says "Heat the milk, sugar, cornstarch, cocoa and half the heavy cream..." However, the recipe ingredients doesn't indicate heavy cream or the amount. Thanks!

  2. Thank you for mentioning this! This has been fixed and you'll now find the amount of heavy cream and chocolate chips in the recipe.

  3. Can you give us the recipe for your lemon cream pie? Best ever

  4. Is there any way I can find your recipe for dysarts whipped cream??
